Reaching peace of mind

How expensive the price of peace of soul. Many who sacrificed everything to achieve it. However, not a little misguided. Look at the people willing to spend hours hanging out in places of entertainment while drinking. Not a bit of spending money to consume millions of tranquilizer pills. Meanwhile, calm diproleh just a moment. That, too, are false. Instead of reaching for peace of mind that there are even destruction.

Variety of everyday problems could be a trigger stress. Especially in fast-paced life of today. Many things that make a person feel depressed, frustrated and tense. The problem is staying on the intensity. If it happens continually stress becomes distress which will lead to depression. At this level, patients often act out of common sense.

In fact, no one was free from the problems of living. That sunatullah prevailing in the world. Wealth, rank and position would not be able to block them.

However, Islam provides a solution to the pressures of life that in order to calm the soul. There's no stress Hagi terms of a believer. You see, Islam has provided solutions to face the pressures of life, Here are the steps that can be done to achieve peace of mind:

1. Reading and listening to al-Quran

One time a man came to Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet one of his main companions. He complained, "O Ibn Mas'ud, encourage and give me medicine for my soul is restless. My days are full of feelings of peace, my soul is restless, and my mind was tangled. Eating uncomfortable, did not sleep soundly, "said the person.

Ibn Mas'ud said, "If the disease is on thee, then take your heart to visit three places. First, where people read the Koran. You read the Quran or listen carefully you who read it. Second, you go to the assembly instruction that remind your heart to God. Third, you find time and quiet place, where you retreat devoted to God. Companions of the Prophet's advice was immediately executed person. At home, she soon made ablution and then took Al-Quran and read it fervently. Finished reading, he soon found himself obtain serenity, and her soul was calm. Refreshed his mind, his life was excited again. In fact, she was only carrying out one of the three counsel who submitted friend of the Prophet.

2. Care for poor people

Prophet ordered the Muslims who have surplus wealth to pay attention to the poor. Apparently, generous attitude that can bring peace of soul. Why? In a hadith explains that the angels are always praying for generous people:

"Every morning two angels always accompany each person. One of them said a prayer: O Allah! Give a reply to the person who berinfak. And the second angel was praying: "O Allah! Give to someone who's stingy destruction. "

From the hadith, we can conclude that the generous person who was to get two replies. First, he got the reward for what he gives to others. Second, get the overflow of mental tranquility, and mercy of God.

3. Seeing the people below, do not look up

Tranquility will be obtained if we are always grateful for the gift of God, although it looks a bit. Gratitude will come when we are constantly seeing people whose condition is lower than us, both in terms of materials, health, appearance, work and thoughts. How many people in this world who are less fortunate. Gratitude that besides bringing peace of soul, also reward from God.

4. Maintain relationship

Humans are social creatures. As social human beings requires good relationships with other human beings. Mungin various necessities of life will not be achieved without the assistance of others. Because of that, in the hadeeth of the Prophet ordered to stay in relationship, even against those who conduct of hostilities, he also never said that the relationship can prolong life and bring good fortune. Good relationships within the family or with neighbors to create tranquility, peace and affection. Good relations would also be very effective in tackling the various problems that developed in the community.

5th. Many say he hawla illallah wa He quwwata billah.

Essential source of tranquility that comes from Allah SWT. But let us always presents Almighty Allah in all situations, whether in a state of good and bad. Strong attachment with Allah will make one's soul to be strong, not easily changeable and diombang-ambingkan something. Because, if we fail to remember God, then open the opportunity for Satan to influence our thinking.

6. Saying that haq (right) even bitter

Life is to be kept continually in the path of righteousness. Truth must be diperjuangan. Violations of truth will bring anxiety. Tranquility will tergapai if we do not violate the true values. Conversely, violation of the truth will affect the tranquility of the soul. Look at the people often disobeying Allaah, her life filled with anxiety.

7. Do not take care about the censure of others as long as we do because God really

One factor that makes one's soul is uneasy because it always follows the assessment of people against him. Wandered blindly by the attitude and lifestyle of ordinary people. While someone will have a strong stance if it adheres to the principles that come from God (al-Islam). How tiring life is if all things exist in this world that we follow.

8. No begging to others

"Hands on top (giving) hand is more noble than under" the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah that motivate every believer to live independently. Does not depend on and to beg kepacla others. Because the person, the self, the soul will be stronger and more courageous attitude in dealing with life. Conversely, people who always beg for describing the weak souls. This makes the inner discomfort.

9. Debt away

In a hadith the Messenger of Allah emphatically says: "Thou shalt not make yourself feel scared after security!" (The friend) asks: How did it happen like that! His saying: Because of the debt. "

That's reality. People who owe will always be haunted by fear, because he was being chased for immediate payment. This is one factor that makes a lot of people experiencing mental pressure. Prophet also said: "Be ye stay out of debt, because debt is a burden on the mind at night and low self-esteem in the daytime."

10. Always thinking positf

Why would someone easy to stress? One factor because he was always overwhelmed with negative thoughts. Always denounced and regretted the lack of self. In fact, each of us given by God many advantages. Change your negative thoughts to positive. Change the expression of grievances that make scowling face, body limp and frustrated with the expression of delight. Expression of love will make people smile and look into the spirit again. Was not behind the difficulties and failures are lessons that can be a lesson? And is not there behind the ease of difficulty?
