6 Attitude Girl Sucks According Boys

1. Depending Being
While still single, you are very independent. But after a lover, you suddenly wanted him to pick up and take you there-here. It is perfectly normal, actually, but still there are limitations.
Within normal limits, he love to, if needed, but if it came to the stages of dependency, they will feel uncomfortable and even avoided. Although he will always be there for you, still show your independence. They are lovers, not a bodyguard or driver.
2. Mouthed 'Sharp'
Criticize other women whether it's clothes, make-up or overall appearance is normal for you. But for men, it can be considered as your refusal to the excess of others. The man never noticed the details. For them if a beautiful woman, then she is beautiful even though mismatched clothes and dressed.
The way that he was not pissed at you? Hold yourself to criticize. Keep your comment to be divided into female friends while chatting and being together.
3. Shopping Mad
You may be happy to spend, but do not ever invite lovers to take part in hunting your target groceries. Definition of shopping is not the same man as a woman. Spend time looking, weighing and try something in the shops but not necessarily buying is not something she likes.
If you want to accompany you shopping lovers, should think again. If indeed it is definitely buying a particular item, no problem. But if you're still "looking", it would be cool if you ask your female friends.
4. Too Old Storytelling
Told me at length about the experience is something you normally do with women friends. Questions like: "How are you today?" Can culminate in a series of vent. But not for men. Question for those requiring only answer "Yes", "Ordinary course" or "Bad". Instead do not care, they just do not need every detail.
If they see you're having problems, they would ask more. And that's when you start to be an all-out vent to your spouse and ask for support.
5. Pretending Jealous
Acting jealous if your lover with his girlfriend for you it might be fun. Because she was a concern and to show that he is yours. But the acting is too often, would bother him.
Be careful if you pretend to be jealous, let alone accuse him of all sorts. Maybe you mean well, so the relationship remained cordial, but if this is all too often, could trigger a war between you and your partner.
6. Sign in personal area
Occasionally you may just see an sms on his mobile, but that does not mean you should open your inbox and peep all the short message whenever you want.