The temptation in Love

1. Former lover come back
After the love story ends, you've hard to forget, and now the relationship with your loved one is a sweet-sweet hearts. But not surprisingly, ex-girlfriend [boyfriend] came back and asked to return again to you. Try to think clearly and remember the cause of termination of your relationship at the him. Do not let your relationship be sacrificed just because the mere fact false.
2. Bos estimated super handsome
Among the many female colleagues who fascinated him, the boss super handsome instead give you the extra attention. Surely this will make you feel to soar, especially if you always spend time with the boss. Therefore, there arises the desire for good before having an affair, remember the advantages lovers who do not have a super handsome boss, surely this will make you discouraged cheating.
3. Parents betrothed
Although modern times already, but some among the community event arranged marriage is still valid. Many parents are so worried to see her still own fruit in middle age a quarter atao not side by side with couples who are considered ideal. The problem this time, do not need to panic, think with a cool head because it is the best solution.
4. Colleagues who tease
Love the location also could be one cause of his love affair ended. Of course this is not because of the presence of a coworker who was so tempting. If do not want to happen in love with the location, be professional. Remember that your relationship with him not more than mere business interests.
5. Application ex-lover
No age was already quite mature and you've wanted to end the single. But lovers hearts are still not ready to build the Ark of the household. In situations like this, suddenly ex-boyfriend came and brought an engagement ring, of course, the problem this time may make you hesitate in choosing care. But do not be tempted to accept her application first. Because the true marriage is a lifetime commitment that you have to live with the right life companion.
6. Charmed lovers best friend
Lover's best friend the best person in your relationship you know this was again no problem. But do not make the closeness you two reasons to build relationships so that more than just friends.
7. Crush chat friends
Flirting in cyberspace will not destroy the relationship at risk. On the contrary, flirting via chat even more dangerous because it can be done anytime and is very easy to delete a track record. So if do not want to play with fire, limit time online and choose topics of conversation with friends chatting. Expand vent lover so no need to seek refuge elsewhere.
8. Movements out of town
Close relationship did not guarantee success in love, but whose names are long distance, in addition to separate you and your lover can also sever the physical proximity of the liver. If you and your boyfriend intends to continue this relationship so be prepared to face the flogging that face in the middle of the road. Like the feeling of isolation and the opportunity for cheating, only that an intense communication solutions.
9. Work piling
Busyness is apparent that the road can also keep your relationship with your lover. Though you two have an office in the same location, but if both do not have enough time to be alone, you could say both of you are undergoing long distance. Unwittingly, the two sides, the cause of this is that often become toxic love executive couples who live in big cities, because the working frequency of timeless love can also open opportunities locations.